As a rule, most beginners try to follow exclusively their character and the events around him/her. However, you shouldn't forget that the game is still a team game and you should learn how to follow the course of the game with the help of a mini-card. Professional players need only one glance at the map in order to understand the balance of forces, the tactics of the enemy, predict further actions and benefit from this. This skill, of course, comes with experience, an understanding of the basics and specifics of tactics. Take into account that if you are going to try Lolbetz, you will have to follow professional tips. Check them below.

Expert Tips for LoL Players

Check things that play an important role in the game success.

  • Free review. Like the previous point, the possibility of a free review is an important criterion for assessing what happens. By default, the game camera is assigned to the character, which introduces a number of restrictions in your game. First of all, turn off this function by pressing the "Y" key, so you can keep track of teammates and opponents who are in their field of view.
  • Mark important events on the map. Notify about threats and communicate your intentions. Recall that the game is a team game, and if you notice an enemy ambush, you should warn your team about this by indicating the dangerous region on the map.
  • Use quick attack. Using your champion's skills needs improvement. If earlier, to activate the ability you had to use the keys "Q", "W", "E", or "R" + left mouse button on the enemy, which takes valuable time during the bout, then more advanced players should learn to use the quick attacks. Turn on this feature in the game settings, and after activating the ability, it will immediately apply in the area of your cursor. This skill requires constant concentration on the cursor so that your ulta will not fly away in an unknown direction, however, having mastered this technique, you will significantly improve your game performance as a whole.
  • Movement and attack. Using the fast attack, you will release the left mouse button for more effective use of it - movement and attack. This way your champion will stop and attack your closest opponents.
  • Use totems. Use totems that allow you to see what is happening on the hidden part of the map while you are on the line. Particular attention should be paid to the places at the entrance / exit from the forest and the approaches to the river. Wards, on the other hand, prefer the Seeing Stone and the all-seeing magnifying glass, which allows you to find hidden mercenaries.

During the game it is important to learn how to get fun and enjoy the process. It is always difficult to learn but in the game it is much more fun to do!