Vol 22, No 4 (2014)

The professional literature is flooded with methods that claim to be "evidence-based practices." A larger concern for those who work with children and youth is"practice-based evidence" which is defined as delivering what works. In this issue, noted leaders from the Reclaiming Youth movement describe the most successful strategies for creating environments in which all young people thrive.

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Autism Assets
Circle of Courage--Cariboo Chilcotin Style!
Respectful Youth Cultures
Native Birthrights and Indigenous Science
Standing Alone in Judgment
School Life that Matters: Building Circle of Courage Schools
The Failure of Zero Tolerance
Powerful Outcomes: Delivering What Works
LSCI in Trauma-Informed Care
Restoring Bonds of Respect
Healing Trauma, Building Resilience: SITCAP in Action
Strengthening Resilience in Families
Pain-Based Behavior with Children and Adolescents in Conflict
Helpers in Distress: Preventing Secondary Trauma